Hall With A View

Articles in the Ham Radio category

Enjoying the Hamness

As I continue the ham radio journey, there are so many little joys in the hobby. Here's a few highlights over the last several weeks:

  • I started using World Radio League as my log book of choice. Is it freedom and privacy loving (as a Linux user)? Maybe or maybe …


By Mordoc

Building an dipole

It's been awhile, sorry...

So now that I have passed my ham radio license, I have spent time on the 2m band chatting with a number of contacts in the local area. I have started to use APRS with a cable and my Baofeng UV-5R with some success (receive, no …


By Mordoc

All ham all the time

I'm a newly licensed ham radio operator. I thought it would be a fun thing to do both in my pre and post retirement years (assuming I live that long Lord willing). My Grandfather was a ham, and while I don't have a lot of memories of him (I didn't …