Hall With A View

Articles by Mordoc

Self hosting podcasts

I have been a faithful user of Pocketcasts for years. In many ways, it allowed me to discover and then listen to podcasts that I enjoy today. After a time, Pocketcasts were accquired by Automattic the company that is also behind WordPress. As seen in the news there are issues …


By Mordoc

Enjoying the Hamness

As I continue the ham radio journey, there are so many little joys in the hobby. Here's a few highlights over the last several weeks:

  • I started using World Radio League as my log book of choice. Is it freedom and privacy loving (as a Linux user)? Maybe or maybe …


By Mordoc

Building an dipole

It's been awhile, sorry...

So now that I have passed my ham radio license, I have spent time on the 2m band chatting with a number of contacts in the local area. I have started to use APRS with a cable and my Baofeng UV-5R with some success (receive, no …


By Mordoc

Spending time with Ubuntu 24.04

While I hate this about myself, I tend to bounce around between distributions. I fully realize that this is helpful to those communities, but in my defense I don't move to something else because of a bug - it's actually more of curiosity in how someone else is approaching the Linux …


By Mordoc

Keeping myself fresh

I used to feel that I was just wasting time when I would install yet another Linux distribution. I bounce around between different Linux distributions, different desktop environments, and occasionally even going back to Windows. With the vast improvements in distribution installers an fresh install of say Fedora or Ubuntu …


By Mordoc

Reflecting on faith

In listening to an episode of This American Life about one ex-Christian's reflections on his Christian upbringing. The presenter clearly had some difficult experiences within a church community on multiple facets. The episode caused me to think through my own experience with faith.

I didn't totally grow up in a …


By Mordoc

A little stressed

In a recent episode of the Happiness Lab Podcast Dr. Laurie Santos deals with the human response to stress. I listened to this episode on a day that I had just ran 8km that morning and generally was feeling a sense of general positivity.

As you already assumed, today has …


By Mordoc

A friend

I live a split life, in that I have a work persona and then home persona. I've blogged about this before so this might be familiar. That also translates to my friends, in that I have work and personal friends.

Lately I've spent more and more time with one of …


By Mordoc

In community

As I approach retirement I think a lot about the what next. On one level this is ridculous as who knows how long I will be on this earth, but then again those who fail to plan, plan to fail.

As I look around my little town I see a …


By Mordoc

Learning a little Windows

I have decided to embrace a life where I'm not fussing constantly with home technology, given that's all that I do during my work day, so installed Windows on both the home office computer and my laptop as I just figured it would just work. I do love my Linux …


By Mordoc