Other articles

  1. Reflecting on faith

    In listening to an episode of This American Life about one ex-Christian's reflections on his Christian upbringing. The presenter clearly had some difficult experiences within a church community on multiple facets. The episode caused me to think through my own experience with faith.

    I didn't totally grow up in a …

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  2. A little stressed

    In a recent episode of the Happiness Lab Podcast Dr. Laurie Santos deals with the human response to stress. I listened to this episode on a day that I had just ran 8km that morning and generally was feeling a sense of general positivity.

    As you already assumed, today has …

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  3. A friend

    I live a split life, in that I have a work persona and then home persona. I've blogged about this before so this might be familiar. That also translates to my friends, in that I have work and personal friends.

    Lately I've spent more and more time with one of …

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  4. In community

    As I approach retirement I think a lot about the what next. On one level this is ridculous as who knows how long I will be on this earth, but then again those who fail to plan, plan to fail.

    As I look around my little town I see a …

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  5. Learning a little Windows

    I have decided to embrace a life where I'm not fussing constantly with home technology, given that's all that I do during my work day, so installed Windows on both the home office computer and my laptop as I just figured it would just work. I do love my Linux …

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  6. All ham all the time

    I'm a newly licensed ham radio operator. I thought it would be a fun thing to do both in my pre and post retirement years (assuming I live that long Lord willing). My Grandfather was a ham, and while I don't have a lot of memories of him (I didn't …

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  7. Reading

    A forgotten or maybe better put is an ignored skill I had is that of reading on a regular basis. For years after I completed my masters degree I was loathe to pick up a book. The education process had so changed my reading from being a joy to just …

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  8. Going the wrong way

    So clearly I have lost my open source mind. I've installed Windows 10 on both my desktop and laptop. Before you write me off as a traitor or something worse here me out.

    There are a couple of things that motivated this:

    1. I've just passed my ham radio basic license …
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  9. Being a bit mean

    I never really feel like I've ever really arrived as a leader. For over 28 years I have been in leadership positions in two different universities. Over those years I have learned far more than what I got in a Master of Arts in Leadership degree.

    There is good leadership …

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